Claudia Celestial Girl,
Hi Everyone! OMG, we had a blast today, from dawn to well after dark.
First of all, everyone is really a lot of fun, and we did talk a lot about Highlander books (Karen's and others) while we were driving, walking, and eating.
I met up with everyone last night at the Three Sisters hotel and bar. Almost everyone looked worn out. They had been at the bar for 5 hours! (I gotta tell you that is a little too long for one place for me, but it was fun - lots of men in kilts, and scottish song-singing). Pictures later.
I look 700 pictures! Just today. Sorting it all out is going to take a few days, not to mention the fact that the internet is sort of expensive here ($.18 per minute!). So needless to say, I'll be writing this, and logging off.
I took pictures of as many men in kilts as I could. LOL!
We marched in the parade, if you can believe that (I - like - have absolutely no Scottish heritage. But we marched anyway. We had a 'clan MacKeltar' sign with us! LOL
It was really really cool.
I'm going to leave you with this photo of just one of the handsome men in great kilts that we saw today.
the rest of the photos are being uploaded here: (with more to come, and more editing on my part - enjoy!)
Clauida...thank goodness you caught up with the ladies...pics of highlander's in kilts have been sadly lacking...i just finished looking at all of your pics that you uploaded and i finally feel like i'm there with all of you...thankyou, thankyou, thankyou...bap
Claudia I.m so glad you got together with everyone what a cute kilted one. enjoy the rest of the gala & events, off to see the pic.s
haha clan MacKeltar. That's awesome. I hope you got a picture of that sign.
Claudia! My fellow Cali girl! Haven't 'seen' you in ages!!!! I'm glad you were able to meet up with the girls. It sounds like you all had a blast! Hey...is that Ros in the pic with the kilted lad? I can't tell...
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