Just in case - here's the cell phone number I'm using while I'm here: 818-298-1213.
I don't have the little clear baggie thingie for carrying liquids through the airport (I always am checking bags!) - soooo do I bring toothpaste? I don't really need that for just a few days, right? (smiles).
I blog on the Bleacher Report now (I'm a sports writer now on the side - can you believe that??), and was surprised to discover that a colleague on that site (one of the top writers) is leaving tonight for The Gathering as well. It is truly a happening!
Let me try that image thing again (the HUGE cathedral out my window here in Germany):
My goodness that is really something to wake up to every day.
The picture does not do it justice! I just can't believe how enormous it is. No wonder it used to take them 100 years to build one! And at night - all lit up, it is very spiritual.
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