Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Debbie_D here...
We're in the hotel waiting for the rooms to be readied. There are still a couple of ladies not here yet but they will arrive later today. Only had a couple of people with delayed flights but they all made the connections without a problem. The only other incident was in the Newark airport when I was trying to find Vic. The only way I could find her was by following the trail of clothes on the floor. She had V'lane with her so that was expected. At least they were walking fast so there wasn't too much being taken off.
Well, going to find something to drink so I'll be back later.


Apryl said...

YAY!!! The Maniacs have officially invaded Scotland. It will never be the same again. LOL

Okay ladies, Your mission, should you choose to accept: when you drink your toast to us, someone has to make their toast a tequila for me. This message will self destruct in

What, did you actually think it was gonna blow up? I mean, I'm good, but not that good. LOL

Have a wonderful trip ladies! Love Ya!!!

D said...

Glad to hear that you made it safely, and go enjoy yourselves!

Chrissy said...

I am glad you ladies are finally here and the sun is shining today for you.
Enjoy your time here and if I see any of you around - I will be sure to say hi!

Melanie said...

I'm so glad all got there safely! :o)

Debbie H said...

Whoo, Hoo! Maniacs have invaded Scotland sucessfully! Remember--pictures, pictures, touching, pictures, etc. LOL

ann alba said...

glad you all landed with miner mishap's have fun 7 as Debbie H said picture, drink touching;-} drink Photos.
Have a great time.

Jean t said...

So glad you all made it safely there. Have fun, takes lots of pictures (at least one hot kilt) and let me know if the countryside is as beautiful as I think. Have a toast for those of us back home. Thanks for the blog!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm so excited for all of you. Pics! We need pics of everything!


Anonymous said...

Have a great time and don't forget to look in all the caves!!!!...take lots of pics of whatever (or whoever) you find!!!!...bap

*Jo* said...

Ummm, where's the pictures of the kilted men already?! j/k
Very happy you all made Scotland in one piece. Can hardly wait to read your next adventure and don't forget the ice! :0)

Hailey Edwards said...

lol You should have known to keep a close eye on Vic and V'lane.

Glad you guys are there safe and sound.

Dana said...

I am crazy happy for you guys!!!! Please just enjoy every second that you can and SOAK IT ALL IN! These are orders from the Irish fairy here in the states. LOL.

Libby Anne S. said...

Uh oh...first day in Scotland and clothes are shedding already.