Sheila here-
Woke up this morning- sorry, afternoon- after about 12 straight hours of sleep.......where the heck is my porridge?
We had a great time, saw lots of good looking men in kilts but as far as I know, no one brought one home with them.
But we never had the time to get the tattoos we had planned on.
To Megan!
Happy Birthday roomie!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
OMG Dubai is unbelievable!

I finally made it to a laptop to send out this post ... no panic I arrived safely in Dubai in the wee hours of this morning ... ouch a bit of Scottish tongue *lol* I already miss everyone and even the rain!
Anyway it was smooth sailing getting here - flight was long but enjoyable, the heat and huminity wasn't too bad at the first step of my entry to the airport ...Only downer was the mix up with my reservation at my hotel, which they upgraded me to a fantastic Club room so guess it pays to be annoyed after 2am!
Here's a picture of the famous hotel - Burj al Arab and JumeiraCity ... simply stunning. I feel like Alice in Wonderland. Miss everyone and I'll try to post again soon. P.S. Got some beautiful guys decked in there white gowns, will try to snap a picture of two *grin*
Chat later,
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
We left the men in kilts, our hearts, and the Z-Lo in Scotland :(
I teared up a bit as I watched Scotland get smaller and smaller through the plane window. I didn't want to ever leave, but alas...I have stuff to do. Unfortunately, I was sick, wind-blown, freezing, and my nose peeling when someone who I won't name named KAT totally busted me out to adorable bardude Pete, pictured above. grrr. He's adorable. I look like a whale with a disease in the pic of the two of us. LOL but he could work that Z-lo. LOL
Anywho...I have jetlag and need to last out at least 30 more min before passing out. NITE!
and out of habit....TO MEGAN!!!!!!
On our way home...
Debbie_D here...
I'm in Newark now. Landed a couple hours ago. No problems with customs or anything else so now just waiting for my connecting flight. I have to say the trip was "absofreakinglutely" 'awesometastic'!!! I can't wait to go back. i'm exhausted and tired adn missing everyone already ("To Meagan!!") and hope we can all get together again soon. There was so much to do and so much fun that it's almost impossible to put it all into words. I'm going to organize all my picures and put them somewhere for everyone to see, I'll let you know when it's done.
Thanks everyone for following our travels and thanks to all the ladies I spent the last 2 weeks with (Colin & Wee Willie too), y'all made it special. I'll post again later and I'm sure all the Scotland lasses will have a lot to say.
I'm in Newark now. Landed a couple hours ago. No problems with customs or anything else so now just waiting for my connecting flight. I have to say the trip was "absofreakinglutely" 'awesometastic'!!! I can't wait to go back. i'm exhausted and tired adn missing everyone already ("To Meagan!!") and hope we can all get together again soon. There was so much to do and so much fun that it's almost impossible to put it all into words. I'm going to organize all my picures and put them somewhere for everyone to see, I'll let you know when it's done.
Thanks everyone for following our travels and thanks to all the ladies I spent the last 2 weeks with (Colin & Wee Willie too), y'all made it special. I'll post again later and I'm sure all the Scotland lasses will have a lot to say.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Our Final Night in Scotland
jayzee here ...
Well, we just arrived back in Glasgow for our final night and farewell dinner :(
I can't believe it's been 2 weeks already and that our journey has come to an end. It feels like just yesterday that we were all stepping off the plane on Scottish soil in complete amazement that we were finally here ...and now it's almost time to go home and return to our normal lives.
I can't describe all of the feelings from the past two weeks ...from the beauty of the highlands to the grandeur of the castles to the festivities of the Gathering. But for me what made this whole trip especially memorable was the fun I had with all of the other maniacs. To my fellow traveling companions ...I had an absolute blast. Like I said in the beginning, it's amazing how we can all come together and even never meeting before, manage to act like long lost friends or sisters. You all have made this trip for me ...and it will be those memories that I take with me. <>
Well, we just arrived back in Glasgow for our final night and farewell dinner :(
I can't believe it's been 2 weeks already and that our journey has come to an end. It feels like just yesterday that we were all stepping off the plane on Scottish soil in complete amazement that we were finally here ...and now it's almost time to go home and return to our normal lives.
I can't describe all of the feelings from the past two weeks ...from the beauty of the highlands to the grandeur of the castles to the festivities of the Gathering. But for me what made this whole trip especially memorable was the fun I had with all of the other maniacs. To my fellow traveling companions ...I had an absolute blast. Like I said in the beginning, it's amazing how we can all come together and even never meeting before, manage to act like long lost friends or sisters. You all have made this trip for me ...and it will be those memories that I take with me. <
Going home - sad

Claudia Celestial Girl -
Hi Everyone. Well, it's about noon here. They've dropped me off at the airport, and I'm feeling a little sad. It will be a few hours before my flight departs. The group will do a lot of sightseeing today, then head to Glasgow for one last night before everyone departs tomorrow.
I have to go back to work myself, and I can't even think about it! So I'm working on my pictures from the trip. I still have this incredible warm feeling. It will be a long time before I forget such a wonderful experience.
Today we went to Rossalyn Church (the one that was in The DaVinci Code), and we goofed around a bit. We had a group picture taken and exchanged e-mails addresses.
Well, rather than be sad, I'm going to list all the photo albums that I've created (below). I'll be adding to these, but you can see some of the pictures now.
1. Men in Kilts (300 pictures and counting)
2. Shirtless guy in Kilt
3. Clan Village and Highland Games:
4. Dress Kilts
5. Maniacs in Scotland:
6. Diana Gabaldon
7. Parade of the Clans
8. Edinburgh for The Gathering
9. Landscapes of Scotland
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I have seen Daegus

Claudia Celestial Girl -
For some reason Dageus never floated by boat - but not anymore. Was passing by as this guy was getting his photo taken with his friend, and they were gracious enough to allow us to take a photo too.
Dazzling smile! Great hair (all the way down his back), slinky, and pulled into that sexy 'que' that all the romance writer's write about (can't see it in the picture unfortunately). Not quite as buffed as D. is supposed to be, and the beard isn't quite right. But ... I got it! Finally!
(He's the guy on the left!)
Yeah - I see how Karen could be inspired by someone like this! LOL
Besides lot of hot men, we saw Diana Gabaldon today, and got books signed. She was great! great speaker, and I learned a lot about her books. She did not give away any plot spoilers, but she did read a sensational hot sex scene from the new book!
ps I'm posting more yet more pictures in the kilt section, and then will open up a few more sections for more shots of Edinburgh, the parade, etc.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
what a great day!

Claudia Celestial Girl,
Hi Everyone! OMG, we had a blast today, from dawn to well after dark.
First of all, everyone is really a lot of fun, and we did talk a lot about Highlander books (Karen's and others) while we were driving, walking, and eating.
I met up with everyone last night at the Three Sisters hotel and bar. Almost everyone looked worn out. They had been at the bar for 5 hours! (I gotta tell you that is a little too long for one place for me, but it was fun - lots of men in kilts, and scottish song-singing). Pictures later.
I look 700 pictures! Just today. Sorting it all out is going to take a few days, not to mention the fact that the internet is sort of expensive here ($.18 per minute!). So needless to say, I'll be writing this, and logging off.
I took pictures of as many men in kilts as I could. LOL!
We marched in the parade, if you can believe that (I - like - have absolutely no Scottish heritage. But we marched anyway. We had a 'clan MacKeltar' sign with us! LOL
It was really really cool.
I'm going to leave you with this photo of just one of the handsome men in great kilts that we saw today.
the rest of the photos are being uploaded here: (with more to come, and more editing on my part - enjoy!)
Friday, July 24, 2009
I'm outta here!
claudia celestial girl writing -
That's it. I'm grabbing my stuff and heading for the airport! yippee! Konnie tells me to get to the Three Sisters before 12:30 am (or I'll turn into a pumpkin). That means I have approximately 8 hours to get from from room 301 in the Geophyiks building of the University of Koln to the Three Sisters bar via Amsterdam and Edinburgh airport. smiles. Can't wait. I should arrive in Edinburgh by 10:30 pm. So I'll get to Three Sisters just in time for last call! LOL
wish me luck. If I don't make it, it's a long walk to Peebles, UK where the hotel is.
That's it. I'm grabbing my stuff and heading for the airport! yippee! Konnie tells me to get to the Three Sisters before 12:30 am (or I'll turn into a pumpkin). That means I have approximately 8 hours to get from from room 301 in the Geophyiks building of the University of Koln to the Three Sisters bar via Amsterdam and Edinburgh airport. smiles. Can't wait. I should arrive in Edinburgh by 10:30 pm. So I'll get to Three Sisters just in time for last call! LOL
wish me luck. If I don't make it, it's a long walk to Peebles, UK where the hotel is.
Off to Edinburgh
Jayzee here ...
So today begins our stay in Edinburgh and the events of the Gathering. We are driving from Aberdeen to Edinburgh today by ways of Dunottor Castle, St. Andrews, and a few other stops. I'm sure that it will be as wonderful and beautiful as the rest of our stops. Yesterday we got up to the gates of Balmoral Castle, but didn't go in :(
This weekend will be crazy but it should be fun and exhausting. Can't wait to see the Clan parade and the highland games ...and do some more shopping :)
Alright ...try to check in again in the next couple of days.
Love to everyone at home.
So today begins our stay in Edinburgh and the events of the Gathering. We are driving from Aberdeen to Edinburgh today by ways of Dunottor Castle, St. Andrews, and a few other stops. I'm sure that it will be as wonderful and beautiful as the rest of our stops. Yesterday we got up to the gates of Balmoral Castle, but didn't go in :(
This weekend will be crazy but it should be fun and exhausting. Can't wait to see the Clan parade and the highland games ...and do some more shopping :)
Alright ...try to check in again in the next couple of days.
Love to everyone at home.
Sheila here-
We go to Edinburgh today and The Gathering, and the real shopping begins! Most of us-including me- are looking for another duffle bag to bring all our goodies home in, since 2 suitcase are just not enough for what we already have...and still another 4 days to go! Unfortunately our Hot Scots won't fit in a bag, so we'll have to find another way to smuggle them into the states- ;).
More later- we wish all the Maniacs were here with us!
We go to Edinburgh today and The Gathering, and the real shopping begins! Most of us-including me- are looking for another duffle bag to bring all our goodies home in, since 2 suitcase are just not enough for what we already have...and still another 4 days to go! Unfortunately our Hot Scots won't fit in a bag, so we'll have to find another way to smuggle them into the states- ;).
More later- we wish all the Maniacs were here with us!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
packing packing packing!

Just in case - here's the cell phone number I'm using while I'm here: 818-298-1213.
I don't have the little clear baggie thingie for carrying liquids through the airport (I always am checking bags!) - soooo do I bring toothpaste? I don't really need that for just a few days, right? (smiles).
I blog on the Bleacher Report now (I'm a sports writer now on the side - can you believe that??), and was surprised to discover that a colleague on that site (one of the top writers) is leaving tonight for The Gathering as well. It is truly a happening!
Let me try that image thing again (the HUGE cathedral out my window here in Germany):
Hi Everyone - I'm in Germany!

You're going to be - like - what are you doing there when you are supposed to be here! Working that's what. I just can't believe it's almost time for me to make the trip to meet you guys over in Scotland. I've been afraid to even think about it! But now I'm so excited I can hardly sit still.
I'm posting a picture of a giant cathedral outside my window here in Cologne (Koln)
See you tomorrow (hopefully - fingers crossed!)
Shopping - Shopping and more Shopping
Bite_me_ash calling in
Well yeah I do love my retail therapy ... so much to get so little time *grin* Having the time of my life! Scotland is a dream come true - loving every minute of it.
Okay gotta run now have to get that and that *lol*
Ciao *muah*
Well yeah I do love my retail therapy ... so much to get so little time *grin* Having the time of my life! Scotland is a dream come true - loving every minute of it.
Okay gotta run now have to get that and that *lol*
Ciao *muah*
Frozen in the North Sea
Hawk's Lady here .... we have driven all over this wonderful green land, almost hit a few sheep and people too.. we have all eatten way too much! Tried Haggis this am...not a big fan, but at least I can say I tried it. We have seen castles and lots of old churches. It is a shame a lot of them are abandoned and or turned into business. A few of us walked on the beach last night. The North Sea is so cold, I don't even think an ice would melt! My poor feet were frozen last night! We are going to a really cool area today. Miss you bunches and will be home soon.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
All right, Kat is finally jumping in ...
I know, what can I say? It's 2 a.m. here, and I finally found myself with nothing but some bloggin' to do! We're in Aberdeen now. Here's the REAL story -- half of us are loud and crazy with a freak flag that flies high and proud, and the other half is quiet and reserved with some undercovah freakin'. Basically, we're a bunch of freaks. Our wee lad Colin is the best darn driver in the dang world. When you can back a gargantuan tour bus onto a narrow strip of land overlooking cliffs at 100 mph, you can talk to him. We heart Colin. We've seen SO much. After some discussion, we came to the conclusion that the beauty here is literally indescribable, so all you poor saps back home are SOL. :-) What's happened so far? Lessee, Victoria saw puffins (for which Bono will be having a relief concert for sometime in the near future), Kat has reluctantly seduced Jenn with her Scottish/Australian accent, Diane has learned the definition of the word *spoon*, Julie has made friends with half of Scotland, and Mary just won't get out of the darned way in Loch Ness. As for tonight, a few of us hit the sexy Aberdeen urban scene to celebrate Megan's birthday (who lost her KMM virginity today as well -- cheers to Megan!). We've learned that vodka is delicious, Michael Jackson is played in constant rotation in nightclubs, and Kristy almost learned that talking about sea gulls pooping on your head is just inviting trouble. :c)
Go Scotland! We ain't never coming home!
Go Scotland! We ain't never coming home!
Sheila here-
We're having a great time. The weather has been very cooperative, usually raining while we're in the bus and stopping in time to get out and visit the sites. Lots of sunshine as well, most of us are in jeans or capris and short sleeves.
We've been to several standing stones but unfortunately none of us have heard the humming noise.
We love our driver Colin, he fits right in with us Maniacs. We had a substitute driver- Willie, a friend of Colin's- yesterday, and he was just as crazy.
Culloden yesterday was hard for most of us, because of the Outlander books.
Last night in Inverness some of us ate at an Italian restaurant, when we came out we heard bagpipes, it started pouring so we followed the piping band, when they stopped we talked to them a short time. They were on their way to the Legion hall where they play on Tuesday nights. They invited us in to hear them. We are now bagpipe groupies and were able to say- "we're with the band".
We will hate to come home, and are hoping we can find the rest of the McKeltars before next Tuesday.
We're having a great time. The weather has been very cooperative, usually raining while we're in the bus and stopping in time to get out and visit the sites. Lots of sunshine as well, most of us are in jeans or capris and short sleeves.
We've been to several standing stones but unfortunately none of us have heard the humming noise.
We love our driver Colin, he fits right in with us Maniacs. We had a substitute driver- Willie, a friend of Colin's- yesterday, and he was just as crazy.
Culloden yesterday was hard for most of us, because of the Outlander books.
Last night in Inverness some of us ate at an Italian restaurant, when we came out we heard bagpipes, it started pouring so we followed the piping band, when they stopped we talked to them a short time. They were on their way to the Legion hall where they play on Tuesday nights. They invited us in to hear them. We are now bagpipe groupies and were able to say- "we're with the band".
We will hate to come home, and are hoping we can find the rest of the McKeltars before next Tuesday.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Jayzee here ...
So this is a picture of the Isle of Staffa from the other day. It's the home to the puffins.
What an amazing time we are having so far. Everything has been so beautiful and awe-inspiring. Scotland is truly a beautiful country and if any of you have the opportunity to visit, you should. We've spent the past two nights in Inverness and are headed down to Aberdeen tomorrow. Hopefully we will get to see some more Standing Stones tomorrow.
Hope everyone is enjoying our updates here. The internet access will continue you should get more.
Joy Here!
Hello everyone!
Scotland is beautiful and amazing. We've seen so many places I can't even being to mention them all. Some of the girls have told you about the cool places we've seen. This is me at the Falls of Shin (sorry, we saw no salmon going up river) However LOTS of sheep - everywhere. I wish you could all be here with us. The weather has also been nice, with it only raining ever once in a while. Sadly we have only one more week then its back home.
Talk to ya'll later,
Loch Ness and Culloden
Before Loch Ness we went to Culloden and went through the very nice museum set up there and then walked the field. It is all so very sad, and having read Diana Gabaldon's Outlander books I knew the story of the battle pretty well already. I even felt exceptionally sad when the first clan grave marker I saw was of Fraser. :(
We are on the road again in the morning so I am hitting the hay! Good night!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Well, we stayed in Dundonnell last night and it was such a quaint place. It was in teh middle of nowhere but it was BEAUTIFUL! This is a picture of the gloaming (it was 11pm here). It usually stays light till 11 or so.
We never realize how late it is until they're closing the pubs LOL.
It's dinner time so I'll post more later.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Puffins are sooo cute!
Hawk's Lady here...spent the day out on the water and island hopping! I got to finally see the heather and it is breath taking. The puffins are real and if you are very quiet, you can sneak up on then, you can get some really good pictures. See ya, soon. -m
to my "lordy son" Nuno
Thank you sweetie ... loved your message ... we ALL did .... big kiss from mom, in the wonderful country of Scotland
"Lady Rose from Portugal"
"Lady Rose from Portugal"
We met Mel & Tracey
Debbie_D here...
Mel & Tracey met us at our hotel tonight! It was great to finally meet them in person. Except for a slight problem (I never told them about a hotel change but they found us anyway) they made it here before we went to bed. A group of us sat in the hotel bar visiting for a few hours. Along with the wedding reception that was going on at the same time LMAO. Saw lots of guys in kilts so we'll be posting those later. It's late & we have to get up early so good night and hope we have internet tomorrow.
Mel & Tracey met us at our hotel tonight! It was great to finally meet them in person. Except for a slight problem (I never told them about a hotel change but they found us anyway) they made it here before we went to bed. A group of us sat in the hotel bar visiting for a few hours. Along with the wedding reception that was going on at the same time LMAO. Saw lots of guys in kilts so we'll be posting those later. It's late & we have to get up early so good night and hope we have internet tomorrow.
Friday, July 17, 2009
We're in the Highlands!
Morning all.
Off to Fort William and the Highlands today.
Last night we went out to the pubs, chatted up the local lads- see we're even talking like Scots now!- only to find out they were either German or from south of the border- English, and only here for the British Open.....or as they say here- the Open, as apparently there is only one. Last night I was debating the difference between baseball and cricket, and football and soccer. Since I don't know much about any of them it was just nice to sit and listen to the accent in my Guinness-fogged brain. Never liked Guinness- I'm a Coors Light girl- but when here trying new things. The first Guinness was a bit bitter, but the second pint was quite good.
Off to Fort William and the Highlands today.
Last night we went out to the pubs, chatted up the local lads- see we're even talking like Scots now!- only to find out they were either German or from south of the border- English, and only here for the British Open.....or as they say here- the Open, as apparently there is only one. Last night I was debating the difference between baseball and cricket, and football and soccer. Since I don't know much about any of them it was just nice to sit and listen to the accent in my Guinness-fogged brain. Never liked Guinness- I'm a Coors Light girl- but when here trying new things. The first Guinness was a bit bitter, but the second pint was quite good.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Culzean Castle ...home of Clan Kennedy
Hi everyone,
So this is where we visited today ...Culzean Castle which is in Ayrshire. An absolutely beautiful castle sitting on a cliff overlooking a breathtaking view of the Atlantic Ocean. And we were only a long tee shot away from The Open which is occurring in Ayr this weekend.
We also toured around Glasgow taking in the sites of this wonderful city and visited Robert Burns's cottage ...the place where the famous Scots poet was born and raised.
Tomorrow begins our journey into the Highlands ...and possible looking for a cave with an enchanted Highlander in it :)
I know that our fun is just beginning.
And I also met cousins for the first time yessterday, cousinSheila and her husband were at the the airport when we got in and I spent about 45 minutes with them. I met Alistair and his family in the afternoon for about 2 hours, nice to meet them but now the family obligations are over and I can enjoy the rest of the trip.
One little Scottish tidbit- you have to ask for ice at some places when you get a soft drink. I got a Coke at the airport yesterday- no ice- when I asked the girl looked at me and said they didn't have any.
--Sheila ( hi brad,bev and deb..and this is the only time)
One little Scottish tidbit- you have to ask for ice at some places when you get a soft drink. I got a Coke at the airport yesterday- no ice- when I asked the girl looked at me and said they didn't have any.
--Sheila ( hi brad,bev and deb..and this is the only time)
Good morning Maniacs and friends at home.
It's a beautiful day in Glasgow, sun is shining and we all slept great.
Breakfast now and then off to Burns Country.
We had a great dinner last night, we were all so tired we were pretty slap-happy, but every gets along and it looks like it will be a great 2 weeks.
It's a beautiful day in Glasgow, sun is shining and we all slept great.
Breakfast now and then off to Burns Country.
We had a great dinner last night, we were all so tired we were pretty slap-happy, but every gets along and it looks like it will be a great 2 weeks.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Day one over :(
So, we have all arrived and were able to have a wonderful dinner as a group along with Konnie, Doreen, and Colin. It's great to meet so many wonderful ladies that can sit down and talk like we've known each other forever.
Debbie came to dinner with a wonderful surprise for everyone ...the Z-lo has made an appearance in Scotland. So just think of all the fun we'll have posing all over Scotland wearing the Z-lo. Too bad JZB couldn't have joined us also.
We even got to take in Harry Potter today ...along with the dozens of other American tourists that were in the theater. Looks like everyone had their priorities straight.
Well, it's an early night for everyone ...we are still recovering from long flights and crazy time changes. Tomorrow it's early start for a day of what I'm sure is going to be breathtaking and wonderful sightseeing.
Having fun in Scotland ...jayzee
Debbie came to dinner with a wonderful surprise for everyone ...the Z-lo has made an appearance in Scotland. So just think of all the fun we'll have posing all over Scotland wearing the Z-lo. Too bad JZB couldn't have joined us also.
We even got to take in Harry Potter today ...along with the dozens of other American tourists that were in the theater. Looks like everyone had their priorities straight.
Well, it's an early night for everyone ...we are still recovering from long flights and crazy time changes. Tomorrow it's early start for a day of what I'm sure is going to be breathtaking and wonderful sightseeing.
Having fun in Scotland ...jayzee
Debbie_D here...
We're in the hotel waiting for the rooms to be readied. There are still a couple of ladies not here yet but they will arrive later today. Only had a couple of people with delayed flights but they all made the connections without a problem. The only other incident was in the Newark airport when I was trying to find Vic. The only way I could find her was by following the trail of clothes on the floor. She had V'lane with her so that was expected. At least they were walking fast so there wasn't too much being taken off.
Well, going to find something to drink so I'll be back later.
We're in the hotel waiting for the rooms to be readied. There are still a couple of ladies not here yet but they will arrive later today. Only had a couple of people with delayed flights but they all made the connections without a problem. The only other incident was in the Newark airport when I was trying to find Vic. The only way I could find her was by following the trail of clothes on the floor. She had V'lane with her so that was expected. At least they were walking fast so there wasn't too much being taken off.
Well, going to find something to drink so I'll be back later.
Monday, July 13, 2009
It's finally here!!

The trip we've been waiting for! Some of us have already started travelling and the rest of us are finishing up last minute things. Packing, repacking, paying bills, leaving copies of our itinery with family or friends, making sure we don't forget our passport or tickets... It's hard to believe that over 2 years ago we first started talking and planning this trip. We were still on the old board and had a separate one for the trip information. That seems like so long ago. We've since celebrated 2 years on the new forum, met many new friends there and even have some of them joining us for the trip. But it also seems as if the time has flown by.
When we first started planning this, we had over 80 lasses willing to go but unfortunately, either finances, or health problems or family obligations have kept many of them from going. You will be missed. For everyone reading this and wishing they could be with us, you are with us in spirit and we'll drink a toast to you. Sue, it was so great working with you on this, I couldn't have done it alone. And finding Konnie was truely wonderful. Thank you Konnie for all your hard work in putting this together for us and getting us what we wanted, a truely personalized experience.
Karen & Leiha, I would like to personally thank you for helping us to make this a reality. This trip is in your honor Karen for without you, all of us would not have met and this trip would not have come about. We are looking forward to visiting & exploring the places you have brought to life for us (especially a few caves near Loch Ness and a certain set of standing stones). May I speak for the rest of us when I say I wish you only the best and may your health always improve.
"See" everyone on the boards!
Friday, July 10, 2009
I'm pretty sure scotch will work too! ;) Laura
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Please share this with other women who may need Margaritas.
Important Women's Health Issue:
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Do you suffer from shyness?
Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Margaritas. Margaritas are the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Margaritas can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Margaritas almost immediately and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live. Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with Margaritas.
Margaritas may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Margaritas. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.
Side effects may include:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Incarceration
- Erotic lustfulness
- Loss of motor control
- Loss of clothing
- Loss of money
- Loss of virginity
- Table dancing
- Headache
- Dehydration
- Dry mouth
- And a desire to sing Karaoke
The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering when you are not.
The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.
The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.
The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.
Please share this with other women who may need Margaritas.
Hello from Colorado
Hey all! This is Laura from Kosovo. I am currently in Colorado for 9 days before heading to Scotland to meet you all. I am really excited at the prospect of making some new friends and all the new experiences we will have there! I can hardly wait! I am going to my local Renaissance festival here in Colorado tomorrow. I hope to find some Scotland appropriate clothing for the pageant there. Have you all found stuff where you are yet? Laura
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Random thoughts by Jewelstir
Do we have any Scotch drinkers in the group? Personally, I am very much looking forward to the distillery visit (crossing my fingers that there will be a visit). My older siblings turned me onto Scotch about 3 years ago (such bad influences, I tell ya!!).
Also, I'm trying to decide whether I should pack a 'massager' just to see if I can get the TSA folks to react! LOL What a conversation starter THAT would be!!!
Talk soon
Julie =)
aka Jewelstir
Also, I'm trying to decide whether I should pack a 'massager' just to see if I can get the TSA folks to react! LOL What a conversation starter THAT would be!!!
Talk soon
Julie =)
aka Jewelstir
Dageus old lady here
Here I am ... this is a first for me, never "bloged" .... haven't started doing my bag, bought a new one as the ones I have are too small and I want to take just one.
Won't be taking my laptop as it is acting a little bit weird lately. My son is going to try to fix it while I'm in Scotland.
See you soon
Here I am ... this is a first for me, never "bloged" .... haven't started doing my bag, bought a new one as the ones I have are too small and I want to take just one.
Won't be taking my laptop as it is acting a little bit weird lately. My son is going to try to fix it while I'm in Scotland.
See you soon
From Joy
Viking Princess takes V'lane to Scotland with her.
That's right. It's Victoria here...and V'lane is going with me. Not staying with Apryl. So believe nothing she says. N.O.T.H.I.N.G. she. says.
I was just testing to make sure this works...and issue my warning. mwa ha ha. Going to Scotland! YAY!
I was just testing to make sure this works...and issue my warning. mwa ha ha. Going to Scotland! YAY!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
From Konnie
Hi all;
Doreen & I are officially in Scotland!! We are preparing the way for you all to come across, everything is set at the hotel for your arrival. Check-in is scheduled for 2pm, but we may get the rooms sooner than that. The baggage can stay with the concierge, and there is a club room that you can sit in and wait for check-in or take time in the city. Will update you with several recommendations for places to see and things to do.
Until next time!
Doreen & I are officially in Scotland!! We are preparing the way for you all to come across, everything is set at the hotel for your arrival. Check-in is scheduled for 2pm, but we may get the rooms sooner than that. The baggage can stay with the concierge, and there is a club room that you can sit in and wait for check-in or take time in the city. Will update you with several recommendations for places to see and things to do.
Until next time!
Greetings from South Africa
Sue Z's test blog
My count down clock says 5 more days until we are off to Scotland. I am so excited that I can barely think straight. One week from today we will actually be on Scottish soil. I can't wait to meet all of the other Maniacs in person!!!
jayzee here
Testing ...1, 2, 3 ...Testing ...*knocks* is this thing on??
Jayzee aka Jenn ...just seeing if this works.
Jayzee aka Jenn ...just seeing if this works.
Hello Peeps.
It's MissAmy aka Amy.. Pretty boring name uh? I'm just testing this out to see if it works,,
More playing around & testing
Debbie_D here...
Between now & Tuesday, we're just going to be playing around with this & learning all the different things we can do here. If you want to comment, go ahead but this blog really won't take off until we leave for our trip.
I'm hoping that everyone on the trip will post their own thoughts, feelings, and pictures here so that those who couldn't go can experience this trip with us. It doesn't have to be a long post, just something pertaining to the what we did each day/night.
Between now & Tuesday, we're just going to be playing around with this & learning all the different things we can do here. If you want to comment, go ahead but this blog really won't take off until we leave for our trip.
I'm hoping that everyone on the trip will post their own thoughts, feelings, and pictures here so that those who couldn't go can experience this trip with us. It doesn't have to be a long post, just something pertaining to the what we did each day/night.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Now What?
Debbie_D here...
OK, got the basic's down (Karen's widget) and how the basics work. Can anyone tell me how to modify the layout? Like I said, I know next to nothing about how blogs work.
OK, got the basic's down (Karen's widget) and how the basics work. Can anyone tell me how to modify the layout? Like I said, I know next to nothing about how blogs work.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Testing, Testing...
Debbie_D here...
It's 11 days before we leave for Scotland and I figured I should set up this blog now, before I get too crazy with shopping, packing and all the things I need to do before we go. I'm hoping that everyone on the trip will post here some of the things they've done or seen while in Scotland, that way we can share our experiences with those who weren't able to go with us. So stay tuned and we hope to have a lot of posts for y'all.
It's 11 days before we leave for Scotland and I figured I should set up this blog now, before I get too crazy with shopping, packing and all the things I need to do before we go. I'm hoping that everyone on the trip will post here some of the things they've done or seen while in Scotland, that way we can share our experiences with those who weren't able to go with us. So stay tuned and we hope to have a lot of posts for y'all.
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